Des jardins sur les toits est un projet d' Alternatives, un réseau d'action et de communication pour le développement international.
Calling all (old and new) rooftop gardeners...
Come join us for an evening of
Good food and good fun
Tuesday, November 27th
6 to 11 pm
Goal: To celebrate the end of the gardening season and warm up to the arrival of winter!
What to bring: a dish of good food to share (potluck style), yourself and your gardening buddies ready to party
Chez Alternatives
3720 avenue du Parc, 2nd floor (corner of Pins, near metro Sherbrooke or Place des Arts)
Beer will be available on the premises.
Everyone welcome! Hope to see you there...
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Submitted by rotem on Thu, 15/11/2007 - 3:47pm.