The 12th edition of the Journées Québecoises de la solidarité internationale will be launched by the conference given by no other than Mister José Bové on Wednesday, November 12th 7 PM at UQAM's Salle Marie-Gérin-Lajoie.
Figurehead of the alterglobalist movement, agricultural union activist, former spokesperson of Via Campesina and candidate for the French presidential elections 2007, Mr. Bové will deliver a passionate and engaging speech on the theme of Food sovereignty.
Salle Marie-Gérin-Lajoie, Pavillon Judith-Jasmin UQAM 405, rue Ste-Catherine E. Local J-M400 (niveau Métro)
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Submitted by ismael on Wed, 29/10/2008 - 10:44am.