Des jardins sur les toits est un projet d' Alternatives, un réseau d'action et de communication pour le développement international.
Sunday 26 september
Come and enjoy delicious salad prepared by our chef Sunny Stone from the produce of our Schoolyard Gardens. The most local urban food experiment we know of!
Other products will be available: pickled milkweed, BBQ mini-corn pickles, maple smoked bacon & corn pickles , zuchini mustard pickles...
The Terroir Scolaire Project is experimenting with a model of urban agriculture that aims to green our city, produce local food for our community, and create outdoor classrooms for our children.
Once a month, the harvest from the school garden is used to create a delicious, healthy local meal for sale to the citizens of the Plateau available at their local farmer’s market.
Where? School yard of Arc-en-Ciel - 4265 Laval Avenue (map)
When? Sunday 15 August 2010 / 10 to 2 o'clock
read more about the project
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Submitted by jardiniers on Wed, 11/08/2010 - 5:08pm.