Des jardins sur les toits est un projet d' Alternatives, un réseau d'action et de communication pour le développement international.
Alternatives is offering workshops on three dates: May 11, 19 and June 23 at 6:30pm.
Participants will learn how to build their own self-watering containers from recuperated and recycled materials. You do not need a green thumb! These containers allow for growing vegetables on balconies, terraces and even side walks.
Location: 3720 avenue du Parc, 2nd floor
$5 donation for the workshop + $15 if you want to take a container home
*Please indicate what day you will be attending
There will also be a workshop on self-watering containers offered by CRAPAUD at UQAM on May 3d (
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Submitted by jardiniers on Sat, 21/05/2011 - 11:53pm.