

Des jardins sur les toits est un projet d' Alternatives, un réseau d'action et de communication pour le développement international.

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Workshop # 4: Plant health: diseases, infestations and treatments

Thursday, 08/18/2005 - 14:00

Ever wonder what those weird brown spots are on the bottom of your tomatoes? Come learn the basics of plant health - how to identify diseases, deficiencies and excesses of nutrients and what to do about it!

RSVP and more details with Jane at (514)286-5115.

This workshop is part of a summer learning series in the rooftop garden, aiming to help volunteers go more into depth into specific areas of interest around rooftop gardening, urban agriculture and ecology in the city.

Rooftop garden, 4750 Henri-Julien

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Submitted by janedoe on Wed, 20/07/2005 - 4:57pm.