I got the idea for this project during the Easter break when I was home in Granby. I was walking through the family’s health food store when I saw organic seeds for edible flowers and vegetables. I thought that it was quite a good idea and decided to bring some back to Montreal with me. My best friend on Vancouver Island has a green house and grows fresh fruits and vegetables all year around. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to do so in Montreal where there is barely any space available. I suddenly remembered seeing a presentation in class about rooftop gardening, and I asked myself why anyone should “travel thousands of miles [to get what they] could [...] produce within a 50-mile radius�? (Norberg-Hodge, Helena, 1996, p. 428). I went online and saw the website of “Our edible garden,�? and, thinking it was a brilliant idea, I decided to base my taking action project on this amazing initiative. I found the website helpful and easy to follow, as they provided a clear and concise guide on how to create your own rooftop garden.
Posted to: Rooftop Gardening Resources | Ressources pour le jardinage
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Submitted by mthom on Wed, 24/05/2006 - 1:20pm.