Des jardins sur les toits est un projet d' Alternatives, un réseau d'action et de communication pour le développement international.
Here is our new how-to guide "Guide to Setting up Your Own Edible Rooftop Garden"!!!
Get our new publication (now available in English)! The Rooftop Garden Project team has written a step-by-step guide to assist you in the creation and horticultural and social success of your own rooftop garden. The guide is written for groups, individuals and establishments that would like to create an urban edible rooftop garden for educational, social, therapeutic or environmental reasons but may not have access to the necessary space to do so in the soil.
Our objective is to facilitate the process of creation of these edible, natural urban oases so that more and more people will learn about rooftop gardening to discover its benefits.
You can download for FREE by clicking on the link below!
You can contact us if you have any questions:
- Alternatives
3720 Parc Ave, 3rd floor, (514) 982-6606 #2230
- Santropol Roulant
4050 St. Urbain
Attachment | Size |
howto_EN_FINAL_lowres.pdf | 2.28 MB |
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Submitted by amelie on Mon, 31/03/2008 - 4:21pm.