Des jardins sur les toits est un projet d' Alternatives, un réseau d'action et de communication pour le développement international.
Join us at *Santropol Roulant* (4050 Saint-Urbain) for the first garden
meeting of the year on *Wednesday, March 18th, 5:30pm*. Our summer
garden is situated on McGill University's downtown campus and serves as
a demonstration site for Alternatives' Rooftop Garden Project.
We will provide you with a sneak peak of the upcoming season and
hopefully create a committee of more dedicated volunteers interested in
tackling bigger projects slated for the summer to come, including the
more immediate task of finding our seedling nannies!
We would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to sign up for
one of our yearly seedling workshops. The workshops are part theory,
part hands-on fun!! Attend our workshop and leave ready to start your
own seedlings at home. A donation of $5 is suggested.
To sign-up, stop by the office, email Tim at,
or phone 514-284-9335. First come, first served.
Workshop #1: Thursday, March 19th, 2:30-5pm
Workshop #2: Thursday, March 26th, 5:30-8pm
Workshop #3: Thursday, April 2nd, 2:30-5pm
Workshop #4: Thursday, April 9th, 2:30-5pm
Le blogue de ismael | French |
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Posté par ismael le Ven, 13/03/2009 - 9:11am.