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Soilless culture has been developed very rapidly during the last fifteen years in mainland China. The area of soilless culture in China was around 0.1 ha in 1985, by 1995 China had 50 ha of soilless culture area and, there was about 815 ha of soilless culture at the end of 2001 (Jiang et al., 2001), which was an increase of over 16 times as compared with five years ago. This is mainly due to the development of eco- organic type soilless culture system. Traditional soilless culture systems using nutrient solution are of characteristics of rather high initial investment, running cost, and very difficult to operate for Chinese growers, which limited the extension of soilless culture technique in China. For solving the problems mentioned above, the eco- organic type soilless culture system was developed. As compared with soilless culture using nutrient solution, eco-organic type soilless culture system decreased initial investment and fertilizer cost up to 60%, improved vegetable quality (due to using large amount of organic fertilizers) and simplified the rules of operation. Eco-organic type soilless culture technique using solid fertilizer (80%-100% organic fertilizers plus 20%-0% inorganic fertilizers) instead of nutrient solution to feed crops was first developed in early 1990's. Since then it has been spread very rapidly, and reached over 496 ha at the end of 2001, and accounted for over 60% of total area of soilless culture in China. This report introduces the brief history and advantages of eco- organic type soilless culture system, the system structure, main progress in research and extension work, and discusses the future of soilless culture in mainland China.
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Posté par mthom le Mer, 24/05/2006 - 1:30pm.