Our young seedlings are growing fast! I believe they are impatient to
find a home on the roofs and balconies of Montréal!
Once seedlings have risen, they must be transplanted into larger
containers to ensure proper root health. As the time has come for
many (tomatoes, peppers and co.), I invite all those interested in
learning more about transplanting to come and give a helping hand:
When: Next friday, april 28th at 13h30
Where: at the Santropol Roulant (4050 St-Urbain) or more specifically
in the Jeanne-Mance park (corner esplanade & duluth) if the weather
PLEASE confirm your presence because space is limited at the Roulant.
However, if it is bright and sunny, there is space for all in the
Santropol Roulant, 4050, rue St-Urbain
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Posté par mthom le Mer, 24/05/2006 - 9:39am.